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    Sustainable Development

    University: N/A

    • Unit No: N/A
    • Level: High school
    • Pages: 9 / Words 2359
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: N/A
    • Downloads: 89


    Sustainable development in a project involves having a clear vision to achieve the project's main goals, ultimately leading to organizational success. This report explores various planning techniques essential for the successful completion of tasks, including methods for resource allocation and scheduling. It also covers control and monitoring techniques used to evaluate the project, as well as the review and application of different IT tasks. Finally, the report examines various quality systems and their role in reducing waste (World Health Organization, 2016).

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    1. Use of different planning techniques; assess and evaluate the differing tasks time, cost, and quality requirements to produce a project delivery plan within a goal-oriented environment.

    On any project, according to the author (Osborn, Cutter, and Ullah, 2015), there are some constraints that require the strict attention of an individual to deliver the plan of the project in the goal of sustainable development of the plan by keeping in mind to reduce the wastage as much as possible. The constraints that are generally considered are the time of the task, its cost, and the essential quality that is needed to be maintained while delivering the project.

    According to the author (Banister and Button eds., 2015), the attribute of cost can be explained as expenses which are needed for the completion and delivery of the project. Therefore, the author suggested that management of the project must keep a close look at the cost attribute, as they must keep a proper balance between the money that is running out due to the project, and it is also necessary to check that there must not be underspending of money in the project. It is also essential to keep track of underspending, as some contract clauses have strict descriptions of how much is necessarily to be suspended in the project. The average cost required in construction of building will be 5 million euro.

    According to another author (Holden et al., 2017), the time required for the completion of the project has been demonstrated by the time constraint. In the projects that are underdevelopment, the oversighted attribute of the project is the time. Unattainable of this constraint will result in incomplete deliverables as well as missing deadlines. Thus, in order to get success in terms of this attribute, it requires accurate estimation of the durations of the task or its isolated part, identification of the task, as well as proper scheduling of the task. Moreover, it is also essential to keep track of how the people as well as the resources must be allocated to reduce the wastage of time, along with the proper control over the sequence in which the resources must be allocated. The average time required for construction of building will be two years.

    One of the authors (Clark et al., 2016) suggested that the combination of criteria as well as the standards to which the project must be delivered in an effective manner is represented by the quality attribute. It is always expected that the delivered project must provide the expected values and benefits; it must be capable enough of solving the problem as well as providing the expected functionality. Moreover, the author demonstrated that some other attributes that could also be considered below the tag of quality attribute are that the delivered project must be finished and polished, must be maintained, reliable, available, service level, and must meet all the performance requirements of the project. The quality of construction of the building will be assured by using the technique of sustainable development.

    Therefore, I could find that for the sustainable development of the project plan, it is essential for the management of the project to keep check of all the three essential attributes of the project development, i.e., time, quality, and cost. In sufficiency in any one of the attribute will result in the barrier to the success of the project.

    2. Apply resource scheduling and allocation techniques to facilitate effective project control.

    Resource scheduling can be defined as the calculation of the requirements of the resources that are required for the completion of the work, and resource scheduling also tells when the resources are needed to be assigned.

    According to the author (Hák, Janoušková, and Moldan, 2016), basically there are two broad categories of resources, i.e., reusable and consumable. Therefore, when resources are scheduled, they ensure the resource capacity conflicts, being confident towards real scheduling as well as utilization of resources in an effective and efficient manner. More over, the author suggested that the process of scheduling the resources has three steps, i.e., scheduling, aggression, and allocations.

    The techniques for allocation of the resources in order to facilitate effective project control.

    According to one of the authors (Stafford-Smith et al., 2017), making room for the strategical reallocations is the first installment, which can't be avoided as it is the outcome of ad hoc requirements. But it must be noted that the reallocations does not necessarily mean overloading of work over the same set of resources. Thus, it suggests smart allocation of the resource in an effective manner. The smart allocation of resources will be assured by the utilization of building essentials such as cement and concrete, which must have been done in a very optimized way to ensure minimum wastage of resources.

    According to another author (Kumar et al., 2017), diversifying the skill set and responsibilities is another technique of allocation of the resources. Further more, making optimal utilization since the starting to assure healthy allocation habits from the start as well as base time lining on booked versus actual reports is the technique for the allocation of the resources. Thus, using the techniques for the allocation of the resources in an effective manner helps in sustainable development of the project with the least wastage of time, cost, and resources. This can be assured by assigning the appropriate work to the labour of construction work, so that work is assigned depending on the skill set of the individual and thus there will be no waste of cost and time.

    3. Project evaluation monitoring and control techniques, along with importance for successful completion of project.

    For making a project successful, it is important to evaluate each element, process and monitor them. The main aim of monitoring and controlling is to make final changes for reducing errors and making qualitative projects. Project evaluation, monitoring and controlling techniques play an important role as it help individuals and companies provide value to customers by reducing wastes and making qualitative projects (Cagliano, Grimaldi and Rafele, 2015).

    In the context of project evaluation and control techniques Kerzner (2017) stated that earned value analysis is an effective approach and tool which can help the company measure the progress and effectiveness of an activity or project. Companies need to compare the actual value with their determined or planned value as it can only help them out in identifying the gap between both and probability of meeting the scope, cost and time of the deliverable project. In addition, they also said that with the help of earned value analysis technique, companies can analyse variance for scheduling and cost as it indicates where the project stands in comparison to the determined calculated cost. For example: If estimated budget and cost of constructing building in an efficient manner were $145,000 and the actual budget is $147,000, than with the help of earned value analysis, this gap can be identified. It is important to identify the gap between estimated cost, time and resources and the actual time, cost and resources for making the building in an efficient manner and making it sustainable. By identifying this gap, value can be increased as well.

    In the context of importance of implementing this technique and controlling process, Carvalho and Rabechini Junior (2015) stated that an effective project evaluation helps companies in developing new target and strategies as well. It also makes an organization able to keep their project on the right track before delivering it to customers and improve their efficiency and accountability as well. By checking progress, effectiveness and limitations of project company, it can improve its brands image and reputation in the eyes of people, as it can make changes according to the monitoring results.

    So, I can say that adopting the right and best strategy mainly depends upon the type of project and plays a vital role. It helps companies to ensure the seamless execution of projects, as all these tasks take place simultaneously with project execution.

    4. Application of IT-led techniques as contemporary project management tools

    Led refers to a light-emitting diode, which is an effective tool and is used for emitting light when current flows through it. It is an effective approach and technique for improving sustainability (Figueiró and Raufflet, 2015). Adopting a sustainability framework helps companies address the social, economic and environmental impacts of biofuel expansion and guides policy decisions toward more sustainable energy supplies.

    As per the view of Bora and Egan (2019), project management and sustainability have been addressed by several authors and studies. There are several companies who think beyond the economic bottom line because maintaining financial security is not enough for them to making an effective position and guarantee future success so, it is important to focus on sustainability. Some Led techniques are new light sources that are sustainable indicator. This Led and SSL types of lighting is reviewed from a conventional sustainable development perspective as it covers all three dimensions, such as: economic ecological and social sustainability. This tool is beneficial for planners, technicians, decision-makers and developers.

    In addition, and in the context of IT-led techniques, it is said by Abd et al. (2019) that approximately 19% of total global electricity production is mainly used for artificial lighting that is hurting the environment and society. It causes approximate 1900 Mt of Carbon-Dy-oxide emission per year. Outdoor lighting consumes high lighting to the long operations' hour, which is essential for public safety as well as traffic visibility. For instance, streetlights account for about 60% of total electricity consumption, which is hurting sustainability, but with the help of LED techniques, this consumption can be reduced without hurting the quality. By maintaining public or street lighting, we can help out with municipal budgets, which can be referred to as the sustainable portion. Solid-state lighting and light-emitting diodes have the capability of saving large amounts of energy. It can also offer long-lasting energy and environmentally friendly products to society.

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    5. Different quality systems and their roles in reducing wastes and giving value to customers

    Waste management is an effective approach and the main function by which companies and manufacturing industry can make their business more sustainable and provide value to customers (Koçak, Alptekin and Bener, 2015). The manufacturing industry is the one that produces waste and hampers the environment and sustainability as well. There are several quality systems by which company can reduce waste and provide value to customers by providing them qualitative products and services. Some systems are:

    As per the view of Eaidgah et al. (2016), lean manufacturing is an effective approach and quality system that not only prevents waste and improves sustainability but also helps companies in the elimination of existing waste. The main aim of this approach is to oversee that targeting time, cost, and labour are being used effectively; otherwise, it will be wasted. There are several companies that are making effective use of this approach for providing satisfactory products to customers. There are several benefits of the lean six-sigma approach, such as: it improves the quality of products, eliminates waste, minimizes lead time, and reduces total cost.

    In addition, Wang and Chen (2020) also interpreted and said that, like the lean manufacturing approach, Six Sigma is also being used for eliminating defects, and the only difference is that the lean approach focuses on different types of waste reduction, while Six Sigma focuses on reducing variability and eliminating defects. It has 5 principles or elements by which a company can successfully implement this approach, such as DMAIC. It represents: define, measure, analyse, improve and control. The main aim is to construct building in a sustainable manner by reducing wastes and improving energy. For this purpose, TQM and lean manufacturing play an important role in reducing waste and improving quality.

    So, from the above, it can be said that lean and green approaches play an important role in reducing waste and improving the quality of products. It is not only good for employers, as it is also good for customers, society, and the environment. By driving efficiency and reducing wastes by all these systems, companies can have great impact on carbon footprint in an efficient manner. It is also stated that energy costs still have a significant impact on the production cost and ability of companies to compete with their competitors globally.


    This report can be concluded as the sustainable development of a project can be explained as having a coherent vision in order to achieve the overarching objective of the project, which will eventually help in attaining success within the organization. Assignment Help & plagiarism check Free services are useful in enhancing the quality and originality of such projects. In this report, various planning techniques for the successful completion of the task were discussed, followed by the techniques for allocation and scheduling of resources. Moreover, this report discussed the control and monitoring techniques for the evaluation of the project, followed by the reviewing and application of various IT tasks. Lastly, this report described the different quality systems and their roles in minimizing waste (World Health Organizati

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